Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chocolate & Coffee for a Hellish Earache

Earaches are a lot more painful than one might expect. They tend to get worse when the inflicted points their frontal lobe on a steep diagonal towards the floor. Perhaps the fluid moving around is what causes the pain? Whatever it is, it's not pretty.

I suffered an Ear (and Upper Respiratory) infection simultaneously in September 2008. I remember it vividly. Of course I had to go to the health center twice before they noticed my dilema. Overtime I came to understand their ways, however, and soon was perfectly fine with scheduling two appointments back to back. As long as I eventually get the help I needed.

Why is it that school nurses (from elementary school on) tend to think crackers and water are the world's quintessential panacea? Why not chocolate and coffee? Particularly I think, if we are sticking to food and drink as drugs, rather than antibiotics, chocolate and coffee would make me feel much better than crackers and water.

Anyway, I'm recovering from being super sick (yay alliteration!) but I am quite behind on my work. From press releases and festival updates to dance rehearsals and late night eblast creations, it's hard to keep up when you are feeling under the weather.

What's that mean anyway? Under the weather? As opposed to...over the weather? I guess technically the weather tends to exist in the sky. So over the weather could be synonymous to heaven. Because of this, I would think it acceptable to say you are feeling either...
1. Heavenly
2. Hellish
My under the weather, hellish, feeling seems to be disappearing. Thank God :D

Monday, September 27, 2010

LOST in the biggest city ever!

I don't take the toll road a lot, but I did this morning after getting very very lost. I somehow ended up going towards the Dallas Airport!

It was then that I saw the airport toll man. He seems very angry whenever I drive by his toll booth. Being such a happy outgoing person, I just can’t understand where his anger comes from. If I had the chance to be him for a day, perhaps I could find answers to this inscrutable dilemma of mine. Soon I would have answers to questions such as: How does he use the restroom? Doesn’t he get tired of standing so long? And, more importantly, does every passerby (as a courtesy) turn off their windshield wipers when paying the toll in the rain?

Sometimes when I meet angry people I would love to just go up to them and give them a huge hug. In our society, however, I'd probably have the police called on me! I also get this urge when I see cute children, especially those age 3-4. For example, the other day I was at the Dallas Aquarium and I saw a toddler running around. She was adorable in her red squeaky shoes. With every step she took her shoes let out a loud "sqqqqqqqqqueak." If her mother wouldn't think I was a child pedophile I would have smothered that tot in love.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hooters. For the Food!

So my friend told me we should go to Hooters restaurant sometime soon. Seeing as she has always been boyfriendless, along with the fact that 2 of my past best girlfriends turned lesbian on me, I took a step back.

"What would we go to Hooters for?"

She told me "they have really good wings and fries." After a few minutes of fry description on her part, I interupted. "So you go there often?" I asked, with a sense that she, despite a lack of boob-ness, may have even worked there.

"Well yes of course, if I get the chance!"

Now my boyfriend has mentioned the same thing to me before. He says he has been to Hooters once and the food was AMAZING. I instantly dismissed such a statement as a typical guy lie. While I wanted to believe that people may actually enter the restaurant for the food, society norms told me differently.

Today's revelation that he may have, although I'm still doubtful, enjoyed the food just as much as, if not MORE than, the flesh-filled scenery was quite comforting.