Monday, September 27, 2010

LOST in the biggest city ever!

I don't take the toll road a lot, but I did this morning after getting very very lost. I somehow ended up going towards the Dallas Airport!

It was then that I saw the airport toll man. He seems very angry whenever I drive by his toll booth. Being such a happy outgoing person, I just can’t understand where his anger comes from. If I had the chance to be him for a day, perhaps I could find answers to this inscrutable dilemma of mine. Soon I would have answers to questions such as: How does he use the restroom? Doesn’t he get tired of standing so long? And, more importantly, does every passerby (as a courtesy) turn off their windshield wipers when paying the toll in the rain?

Sometimes when I meet angry people I would love to just go up to them and give them a huge hug. In our society, however, I'd probably have the police called on me! I also get this urge when I see cute children, especially those age 3-4. For example, the other day I was at the Dallas Aquarium and I saw a toddler running around. She was adorable in her red squeaky shoes. With every step she took her shoes let out a loud "sqqqqqqqqqueak." If her mother wouldn't think I was a child pedophile I would have smothered that tot in love.

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