Friday, April 1, 2011

The Greatest Food Ever (besides those you can eat lying down)

Almonds are basically THE most nutricious snack ever.

I learned this freshman year in my Dance Orientation class when they brought in a nutritionist the LAST class before Thanksgiving break. That's right, you heard it....the day before Thanksgiving break.
Dance teachers have a way of subtling attempting to manipulate your life. No, they won't call you fat. They will, however, bring in a nutritionist before you are about to eat the most gloriously fattening meal of the year. Anyway, I finally bought almonds at the grocery store last week. Oddly enough, they are delicious. I expected them to be awful since they are good for you. And not only did I love the taste of the entire first can I gobbled down. I also loved the label that said studies show eating 1.5 ounces of almonds a day decreases your risk of heart disease. Just talking about them now I need one. *snacks*

Ok. I'm back. But I'm worried. What if this almond craving becomes as insatiable as my need for chocolate 12 weeks of the year?! Almonds sound so senior citizen, but really...they're delicious. I think they can be cloned too, or? I know this kid at my highschool science fair cloned carrots since they have DNA. Do almonds have DNA? I should know these things. I'm a college graduate and I still don't know what foods have DNA. Wow. Disappointing. Almost as disappointing as the time my neighbors played their Marilyn Manson music while I was trying to take a post-sunburn nap.

One sad thing about almonds though is they are not edible lying down. Few great foods however fit this category.

The "laying down while eating" category is definately my favorite. As a child my mom would always tell me the same thing every time she caught me laying down while eating. "Don't you know that's how Mamma Cass Elliot died?" if I knew who Mamma Cass even was at five years old?!

Yogurt is edible lying down. Cream of Wheat. Mashed potatoes. Canned peaches. Mayonaise....Yes, some people eat mayonaise on its own! So gross, but still cool since it is part of the "laying down while eating" category. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat foods sitting up. I do it all the time! Truth is, however, I'm lazy. I much rather lay than sit. Be horizontal than vertical. Check out the lines on the ceiling rather than check out myself in the mirror that sits on the wall across from the kitchen table. I should move that.

Also almonds fit in your pocket. Lots of foods can, but rarely will they not get your pocket all crumbly-mumbly in the absense of a Zip-Lock bag. I could spill my almonds all over the carpet, but the carpet wouldn't be stained at all! I could leave them in the sun for hours...they would still taste as good. In fact, almonds could even, if necessary, shower with me and still be the same. Well, showering is a bit much...but still. You get my point. Or do you? Did I have a point? Well yes, to get you to go try some for yourself. I can't believe I waited since the Thanksgiving nutricionist talk of freshman year until now to finally buy them. What was I thinking? Oh that's right..I got an apartment. I eat what I want : )

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