Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yes I'm a Girl...Gamer.

The above commercial for Toyota Tacoma is one of my favorites!

As a gamer (one who plays videogames on a consistent basis) I had quite a few laughs watching Toyota use the game WOW (World of Warcraft) to tell their target audience how powerful their truck is. I am part of that target audience. Surprisingly of the 8,000,000 people that play worldwide, women make up a over 30% of the players. In college the ribbons, flowers and bows I loved to wear in my hair, along with my usual dancer style, inclined people to have the first impression that I would never play video games. That, however, is FAR from the truth. Do not let my dress, gentle nature and high voice fool you! I am an agressive, gaming, sports loving, amazon!

Not all the games I play, however, are violent. WOW, Call of Duty and the old-school James Bond are really the only bloody type I enjoy. Usually I'm playing SIMS, Rollercoaster Tycoon or Head Rush.

Studies show women game more then men, but often don't play multi-player games. Why do we so love to keep to ourselves? I pondered this in bed for a while last night. At first I thought perhaps our sex is not as competitive as the male sex, but then my all girls highschool education full of bloody noses in gym class and bruises during recess told me otherwise. Then I began to think women may play solo type games because they use games as a form of relaxation (while men turn to gaming as a competition of man verses the computer)! I began looking around Google for an answer this morning when I found this statistic:

"According to a study released in October 2008 by the Consumer Electronics Association, 65 percent of women ages 25 to 34 report playing video games, compared to just 35 percent of men. The report cites casual gaming as the reason why the numbers for women are so large."

To understand this statistic one must first understand what "casual" gaming is. Basically it refers to games that are entertaining, but simple (i.e you would not have to read a manual before playing). In my experience, casual games usually involve less strategy and cheat codes! Like Roller Coaster Tycoon. I can spend hours building an amusement park without even caring to meet the game objective (ex "aquire 100,000 guests in your park within the year").

Casual gaming or not, the 65% of women gaming is astronomical compared to the 35% of men. This statistic so surprised me that I had to come blog about it immediately! In today's society the feminine ideal is definately changing from the stereotypical "baking, cleaning, housewife." Now I need to go investigate other things I believed as conventional truth.

Now what is the statistic for women verses men who watch sports...?

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