Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Media Planning: Marrying Freud and Einstein

I don't think I'd make a great Media Planner. They are in charge of deciding which Media is best for the target audience. Because of this, planners must know how/when/why people use media while also staying ahead of the trends. It seems like the least likely fit for me...


Well, two years ago, I'd just gotten an ipod, learned how to burn a CD and "right click" with a Mac mouse. This may result from a few variables, such as:
1. I'm already constantly listening to music in the car or dance studio.
2. Two years ago I still owned a PC.
3. I choose to spend the little free time I have writing, decopaging and decorating minature

Looks like I'm a bit behind the times in my media/technology use ...wouldn't you say?

Creating trends, simple. Taking on trends others have...somewhat harder for me. Maybe this is due to my leader mentality. I often find myself in positions of leadership: leading a conversation, a club, an event. I'm always the one making plans. Perhaps if I became a bit more of a follower I would keep up on media trends better? I'm not sure why I'm "behind the media times" exactly...but I am.

(This is not to say I haven't already gotten an ipad and iphone;)

The least interesting part of Media work seemed to be how they gain insight to the consumer. Research reports, media diaries? Don't get me wrong, I know very little about this part of the industry, but that sounds boring to me. I feel guilty bashing their job since I haven't "walked in their shoes." However, as my brain just asked me to share the "least interesting part" it's acceptable to include of morsel of bashing right? I'm just listening following my heart. Errr...brain!

On that note, I am also not that into "analyzing data and entering it into spreadsheets." I know this is the lifeblood of the industry, however I rather not be part of this vital task. I once worked doing research as an advertising intern at Conrad Phillips Vutech. There I looked at the top ten children's hospitals nationwide. Lots of statistics and spreadsheets. Let's just say it was not my favorite cubicle.

Speaking of cubicles.... ahhhhh! How is one supposed to accomplish work in such an environment?! Ok. Calm Down Marielle. You can rant about that later. Back to Media.

Since I have talked endlessly about what I don't like, let me mention what I do like about Media. I like that Media Planners take the creative concept and marry data with psychographic information. That's so cool that they do that! It sounds difficult but also quite intriguing. I imagine it to be like disecting Einstein and Freud's brains and joining them together into one MASTER BRAIN!

Sorry about the caps. I got excited.

Anyway, the Media people are pretty hip. I'm just not an ahead of the times techie who loves data. I used to be in middle school. I was obsessed with computers back in the day. Wanted to be an engineer. Go to MIT.... Things change.
Often for the better : )

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