Monday, January 3, 2011

think. speak. think again.

A friend of mine had her bible stolen. What a thing to have stolen from you! She didn't know if she should feel angry it was taken or joyous that it is now in someone's hands who obviously needed it. The idea of sinning to become sinless went through my head. I can't think of many other examples where a sin (like theft) could actually help you become sinless. hm.

Besides this perplexity, I have also been thinking about the idea of losing to become a winner. The idea came up when I was playing my 11 year old cousin in checkers. The first game we played I let her win (hoping to build her self-confidence). I barely tried, and acted quite surprised when her piece would take mine on the board. Appearently she is too old not to notice. The next round she emulated me and began letting me win. At one point I said "are you going easy on me?" She bluffed that she wasn't and I won the game. The fact that my cousin and I both felt like winners when we let ourselves lose was a bizarre concept. Maybe when we practice self-less acts in life we are doing it for our own self-esteem. Self-less for self-esteem. Wow, I need to move on...

And yes, by the way, I did spell it "losing" and not "loosing." These two spellings are commonly "mispelled" (as is the word misspelled). The first, spelled losing, means "suffering a loss" and rhymes with oozing. The second, spelled loosing, means "to make loose" and rhymes with goosing. Yes, I may just be one of those English language freaks who feels angered when the TV news reporter says "We will return momentarily." As an English teacher of mine once pointed out, for anyone to accomplish this assurance they would have to leave and then come back for a moment and then leave again. That could make CNN so much more amusing :D

In conclusion, whether we are sinning to become sinless or losing 5 pounds so our pants will become loose,WORDS should be thought of before they're spoken out & WORDS can really make you think.

The moral of the long drawn out blog post (that may have just turned from rambling into having an actual point) is simply: THINK. SPEAK. THINK AGAIN.

hello. goodbye


oh yes, I wanted to discuss what type of learner I am (according to Multiple Intelligences). As a dancer many would most likely think that bodily/kinestetic learning is my preferred mode of problem solving. Nevertheless, I tend to love linguistic problem solving and interpersonal understanding. As you can tell from the previous discussion in this entry about "Thinking and Speaking and Thinking again," ... I LOVE words! Moreover, I LOVE people : ) I am always acting as a leader and bridger in group situations.

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