Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Résumés All Gone Wrong

Reading today about how a résumé should look was extremely helpful. It led me to completely revamp my old résumé today. Boy did I have things wrong! For example, my résumé included a picture of myself. So not professional! I am not sure why I ever egotistically included a picture! Too many modeling calls, dance auditions and commercial work! Needless to say, that’s gone… along with my first-person writing style. “I” this, “I” that…not objective at all. Now my résumé is laid out into three sections rather than seventy six haha. After all, a résumé IS NOT an outline for my next short novel. While the employer is “researching” me, so to speak, I do not need to back every fact up with an exhaustive narrative outline only found in research papers.

By the way, have you ever experienced the elation that erupts from heart when you type an assignment single-spaced and then (at the end) double-space it to find the assignment finally meets the required number of pages….

Well writing your résumé is not like that at all.

In fact it’s kind of the reverse of that.

My previous résumé was double spaced/bullet format. 2 pages. Apparently a résumé should be 1 page no matter what. Even if someone told you that you’d get 1 million paper cuts from cutting down your resume to size (1 page) YOU MUST DO THIS.

And one last important fact from Brad Karsh’s resource section on résumés: they cannot contain grammatical errors! No, this was not new to me. Nevertheless, as a grammar freak, my conscious forced me to scribble down that fact here…so that whoever reads this may also know that fact.
And they can tell their friend.
And their friend can tell their future children.
And those children will correct their elders for improper use of the English language.
And this world of sharing knowledge will lead to freedom of independent, intelligent dialogue.

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