Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Webcam Stalked my Mom Today

Today I decided to watch my mother (via webcam) while she spoke on the phone. Seeing as this is an event I have viewed my entire life, I thought trying to mimic her might be interesting. Unlike the average American mom of four children, she does not pace around hurriedly on a cell phone when speaking, or relax in a comfy chair. Conversely, she is constantly switching positions as she lay on the floor. One moment she looks like a Muslim praying to Mecca, while the next second one might mistake her for being a woman participating in an elite level yoga class.

One big part of my mom is that she is very loud and big with her motions. Perhaps stemming from her previous theater roots, my mother’s laugh is so energetic that video tapes of my childhood show that when she laughed, I cried (startled at the noise)! My mom also is always doodling on her calendar or whatever she can find nearby. Never staring into space, she is always intently focused over some paper or another when speaking with someone. Perhaps her need for concentration and quiet when speaking causes her to go into her common “shell” position on the ground.

Additionally, my mom will let the rest of the family know when she is tired of talking on the phone through her facial motions. Widening her eyes or raising her brows are the most commonly used gestures. Nevertheless, the occasional pretending often comes in handy to pull herself away from the phone. My family is known for their lengthy over-analytical conversations, causing my mom the need to sometimes use excuses to end her conversation. It is my favorite part of her phone routine!

One final aspect of her speaking on the phone is not something I viewed this weekend, but a trait that I recall from my childhood. Somehow my mom always seemed to make her speaking on the phone into playtime. From allowing me to swing from the freezer door, to pretending she was speaking with the “local orphanage” concerning my acceptance, my mom is constantly using her imagination. Her ability to multi-task is not quite as evident as she’s gotten older. Instead she must focus on one thing at a time when she is on the phone.

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