Monday, December 1, 2008

When I Grow Up...Oh Wait, I Am Grown Up.


I think the job would be a great fit for me. I absolutely love writing, reading, and words in general.

My love for words was probably first ignited by elementary school spelling bees.
Next came middle school book reports followed by high school SAT vocab. Throughout my life my teachers told my mother how I read for pleasure. My professors would sometimes mark down my grades because I would turn research papers into creative writing. Mixing fact with the creative was, to me, the ultimate challenge. I stretched this as far as possible. If the assignment was to describe my favorite family vacation, I described one I once dreamt about. If the class was asked to research a biblical narrative, my paper was a Jewish midrash.

Dance has asked me to use my body for self-expression. Sometimes the possibilities are limited. Writing, however, allows me to use words for self-expression. I revel in the process.

Because of my obsession, the thesaurus I joyously carry in my purse is no surprise to my family. The hours of free-time I spend editing my colleagues’ papers, also a delight. Now that I am finally exploring creative world of advertising I finally feel I’ve found my niche. I hope nothing more than to enter the program and learn to turn my love for words into a job.
When anyone asks “what if” questions, like “What if they don’t accept you into the creative program?” I just think of Charlotte Smith’s heroine, Emmeline, who once said, “It is no purpose to consider how she should act in an event so unlikely to happen.” Thinking positively is my mantra. As Hemingway said in his four rules of writing: think positive. Now I plan to master his practice of "short sentences."

I also constantly try to be better than I am. I definitely agree with Glenn Cole’s advice to “surround yourself with people who are better than you are.” I have practiced this advice and I have it down to an art. In dance and academics I work next to whoever I believe encompasses something I am working on… If I need to travel more through space I find the girl with the longest legs. If I need to practice my accent in Spanish, I sit by the girl from Madrid. I can swear that this advice really works! I have been working on my rhythm in Jazz, standing next to the most dynamic mover in the class, and now the teacher is commenting how my quick improvement is shocking :-) Because of this, I plan to implement Cole's strategy in the advertising world as well.

More than ever before, I’m wondering what fate has planned next. Reading Idea Industry’s section on Creative is has been really inspiring. It's neat that the creative work as teams, building their careers on ideas. This will be a great environment for me because I feel I work better in groups. Like when I'm memorizing something or brainstorming ideas, having someone to bounce off of really speeds up the process. Before now, I never knew the progression went idea, concept, rough, comps, and then pitch. Moreover, I was unaware that the CW & AD are involved in casting calls, shoots and rushes at the production house. How thrilling to be involved so many steps of the process! I can’t wait to collaborate with professionals in other areas such as film. Speaking of film I've included a short clip I really enjoy. It's by Glenn Cole, creative director of 72andSunny. Enjoy :D

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