Sunday, February 27, 2011

LA LA LA LA LA: I Can't Hear You!

The voices in my head told me a few things today. One was not to wake up. I did.

I really should have listened to the voices because I spent most of this day extremely tired. I'm not sure why seeing as I experienced a blissful 9 hours of sleep last night (proof that God does indeed exist!). As I finally seriously, I actually crawled I was so sore and my bathroom the voices told me to roll over and sleep. Again, I ignored them.

I took a shower hotter than a peep in a microwave, put on lots of muscle rub and splashed my face with cold water, but the voices still beckoned me back to bed.

In an effort to overcome their desires, I put on makeup, did my hair in a unique up-do (lots of bobby pins!) and ate a big breakfast. As I opened the front door to see the neighborhood stray cat on my porch, the voices began to persist that I listen to them. I gave the cat some milk and went back to my couch to lay down for 15 more precious minutes before work.
Besides a director's rude comment on my hair "that hairstyle is...interesting" *sigh* rehearsal was managable.

The voices seemed to disappear, that is until I sat down again! I almost fell asleep while eating lunch and listening to an afternoon lecture. The voices called out things like:

"just close your eyelids, you can still hear the lecture"
"your bed is super warm and cozy. In fact you can even plug in your heating-pad when you get there!"
"when do you ever take a break?"
"you won't make it through your afternoon Jazz rehearsal"

It's now 12:22am and those voices are still talking. Don't they ever need a nap of their own?! Probably so, but seeing as their sleep most likely coincides with my's going to be awhile. I have been working on creating a registry. Apparently wedding registries need a few items on them before the engagement party... unless you want to end up with a million Welcome Mats. It's not immediate, but I'd love to get it out of the way before the next show weekend. The voices don't want me to. But I can block them out better than I could block out my dad during a family meeting (and that's saying a lot!). I'm not sure if it's a naturally God given gift, or aquired talent, but either way...I can't hear those voices anymore...


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