Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I may OD on Echinacea

The mutiny occuring within the walls of my skin is unprecedented. The sickness contaminates my entire house: tissues line the shower floor, my once spotless sink is now masked in mucus, even cough drops bask in my windowsills.

I have been recently visualizing my brain sending a signal to my nose to breathe.

I think my nose's walkie talkie is turned off because it's not working. Moreover, my throat feels like it just hosted a Disco party where everyone wore stilletos and the dance floor was football turf. The barely opened eyes of mine are as dry as the Downy dryer sheets I keep forgetting to buy. If all of this isn't enought to deal with, my head has begun to pulse. Perhaps my brain believes it can escape the terror occuring inside of me before it too is affected (with a migrane!)

I have pondered going to see the doctor at the Health Center. My fear of eternally being classified as a hypochondriac, however, is stopping me. This fear arises due to the fact that I have already visited for: an ear infection, a upper respiratory infection, an ambiguous rash, the annual gyno scarefest, AND a physical required by my dance company.

I am taking steps to prevent Health Center blacklisting. They are as follows:

1. OD'ing on Echinecea 3-6 times a day
2. Not sharing my lotion covered Kleenex with anyone
3. Drinking more water than a camel can hold in both its two humps combined
4. Eating every food high in Vitamin C content within a 0.2 miles radius

So here I am, "sticking it out" + trying to write some knockout copy= Bliss.

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